We host regular meetings and irregular meetings. The regular meeting is like a presentation of the season’s activities. The executive board show the result of the activities that we held in that season. All the members can assess activities of executive board. The occasional meeting is small, intimate. Likeminded members gather and watch the match together. We do our best for the relationship of our members. We hope you have a great time with us.
You can join the club on the official site. And also you can check more information about the club on our Instagram and Twitter.
– Twitter : @wwwolves_kr
We have plan to visit the Molineux Stadium together. You can have a great opportunity to visit the stadium with us.
Don’t hesitate to join us!
Para mim foi uma honra e um privilégio estar na abertura do Wolves Worldwide Lounge. Como antigo jogador e como adepto deste grande clube, foi fantástico poder conviver com adeptos de todas as partes do mundo. Estou ansioso por ver os nossos clubes espalhados por todas as partes do globo.